Effective 2/10/17

Advisory Services on behalf of Cerius Executives (“Cerius”)

You (“Advisor” or “Cerius Advisor”) are hereby invited to participate as an advisor to Clients of Cerius to provide business consultation and advice in your area of experience and professional qualification. “Clients” of Cerius are defined as any individual(s)and/or company(ies) that require Advisory Services through the Cerius Advisory site or Cerius website (individually or collectively the “site”).

This Statement of Work is a supplement to the Terms of Use you have previously accepted. As a member of the advisory services team, you fully accept the scope stated below and as defined more clearly in document accepted and executed by you including details related to your services and fees.

Your invitation into the trusted community of Cerius Advisors is based on your history with Cerius and acknowledgement that you can provide great value to Cerius Clients within your scope of experience. You understand that including other advisors for a project and working as a team may be necessary to meet the goals of the Client. You agree to work collaboratively with other advisors on the Client’s team. Where you disagree with another advisor you will respectfully disclose your reason for dissention in the professional format you determine is appropriate and reasonable.

As an Advisor, you expressly agree to the following:

1. Provide reasonable availability for Client advisory sessions with time on your schedule and prior notice of any changes.

2. Accept text notifications from Cerius for confirmation and calendar reminders.

3. Respond within 24 hours to all messages and session requests that come through the site.

4. If rescheduling a session is necessary, you must provide Clients with at least eight (8) hours advance notice through the site prior to a scheduled advisory session.

5. If canceling a session is necessary, you must cancel through direct verbal or confirmed written contact with Cerius. Cancellations cannot be done through the site, email or voicemail.

6. Your site profile will be maintained regularly by you. You agree to provide updates not less than quarterly to reflect changes such as: articles written, awards, and changes to your qualifications.

7. You agree to intake information for the Client’s situation and will not solve problems as a one size fits all format. You must build trust in order to offer solutions by listening and gathering all reasonable available information from the Client. Your advice/feedback on each session must always be conditioned upon the accuracy of the information provided by the Client. Business risk identified in your session must be disclosed. You agree that you will not provide legal advice, investment (financial planner) advice or other advice that requires a fiduciary obligation to the Client. As an advisor you must limit your guidance to provide suggestions, examples from your experience, and your own opinions.

8. All communications (including notes and attachments) shared with the Client must be delivered through the Site.

9. To best support the process and structure of the site, you agree not to share personal data such as phone numbers and email addresses with the Client.

10. The site and its resources are for the intended use with Cerius Clients only.

11. Any additional services requested by the Client must be contracted through Cerius.