Cerius Executives Reference Check
Please, fill out this Reference Check for Smitashree Menon.
* 1. Please provide your name
* 2. Please provide your email
* 3. Your professional relationship?
Other - explain
* 4. How long have you known executive?
<1 year
1-3 years
3-5 years
5+ years
* 5. In your experience, which of the following best describes the executive.
Hands-on (works side-by-side with the team to execute, struggles with the big picture)
Strategic (does not like to get into the details)
* Please provide an example.
* 6. Please describe the executive’s ability and approach to develop and coaching others.
* 7. Please describe the executive’s communication style.
* 8. What was the executive’s greatest accomplishment that you witnessed?
* 9. Can you describe a time when the executive was faced with adversity and how they overcame it?
* 10. All references think the executive is great, however, everyone has a fault. What would be the one area you would identify as the executive’s weakness?